B Movie Nation

Foundational Cinema


2020 Texas Gladiators (1983)

Joe D’Amato, mostly known for his sleazy and downright nauseating horror flicks like “Buried Alive”, “Anthropophagus” and “Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals”, joins his contemporary Italian colleagues in making over- the-top cheesy and ridiculous post-nuclear Science Fiction movies! The trend…

Alice, Sweet Alice (1976)

Alice sweet Alice is a movie with a very eerie feel to it, which in part is due from the atmosphere and the low-budget. Though Brooke Shields gets top billing she’s not in the film too long plus she’s pre…

The Wild, Wild Planet (1966)

Like Plan Nine From Outer Space (which is only slightly worse), Wild Wild Planet is an absolute must-see if only for the unintentional laughs and the I-Can’t-Believe-This-Got-Released reaction. The “City of the Future” set is so obviously a model that…

Roller Blade Warriors: Taken by Force (1989)

The story takes place in the indeterminate future, where the world as we know it resembles the Californian desert. A strange religion known as The Order of Rollerblade (I kid you not) is established to combat the seemingly endless supply…

Switchblade Sisters (1975)

“Switchblade Sisters” is one of the most awesome and amusingly incompetent trash/gangsploitation movies ever made; only back in the period when it got released nobody ever intended to make a bad film, of course. Personally, I enjoyed the privilege of…

Evil Laugh (1986)

Evil Laugh isn’t particularly original or special but it’s entertaining enough for a slasher film and has some decent death scenes. I think the lack of originality was what spoilt it for me, it’s the same old routine of having…

Sonny Chiba’s Dragon Princess (1976)

Sonny was the next best thing out there besides Bruce. i’ve seen this movie back in the 80’s, and i loved it. sonny is in the movie enough to make an impact. but the problem is when it came out,…

Hundra (1983)

Sword-and-Sorcery epic with female lead taking on multiple adventures and fierce battles . Thrilling and stirring movie full of imagination and fantasy that introduces us a brave heroine , female counterpart to Conan , she leads a valiant tribe of…

Hollywood Drives Off A Cliff

Things are more than confusing. AMC’s stock has risen to record levels (with really no rationale behind it). Its esteemed CEO decided to have an online interview not wearing pants. People are making it a big deal, frankly, I empathize…

Terror Is a Man (1959)

Fitzgerald is the only survivor of a shipwreck and he finds himself washed up on an luscious Pacific island, which is inhabited by a close-minded doctor, his unsatisfied wife and edgy assistant. That night they found Fitzgerald, the doctor’s experimental…

Demons (1985)

Cheryl (Natasha Hovey) is given a ticket to the new theatre called Metropol by some creepy dude (Michele Soavi) with a mask that’s a mix between PHANTOM OF THE OPERA and THE TERMINATOR. So, Cheryl takes her friend Kathy (Paolo…

Bucktown (1975)

re. In this film, Fred Williamson stars as Duke, who returns home to Bucktown to bury his brother and resume business at his brother’s bar. He soon discovers the corrupt white police force had his brother – alongside everyone else…

Silent Fear (1956)

Mexico miner Pete Carroll is in Acapulco and meets Terry Perreau and falls in love with her after he hears her singing (or dubbed) on a recording of “Extrano Amour (Strange Love.) The troubled Terry decides she wants to go…

Crypt of the Living Dead (1973)

An archaeologist (Andrew Prine) visits Vampire Island to bury his father, who has died under mysterious circumstances. He ignores the warnings of a schoolteacher (Patty Shepard) and, prodded by an historical novelist (Mark Damon), he opens the tomb of the…

Nightmare Castle (1965)

Barbara Steele is the wife of a brutal count. Brutal counts don’t take half measures and when he finds out that his wife has been unfaithful, he tortures her and her lover and puts them to death, removing their hearts…

The Phantom of the Opera (1983)

This TV film of the novel by Gaston Leroux won’t win any awards but it’s still worth seeing. Maximillan Schell is good but he tends to ham it up a little, especially when he becomes the Phantom. The makeup job…

Galaxina (1980)

If you take this movie as camp, and don’t expect any deep “filme discovere” nuances, you will have a helluva good time! There are many quotable lines, so if you watch it with a bunch of friends, you may find…

Apache Woman (1976)

“Apache Woman” is a low budget Italian rip-off based quite obviously on Ralph Nelson’s “Soldier Blue”, but it is not a bad movie. Al Cliver has hardly been in many better ones, and he stars as the soldier who is…

The Hitchhikers (1972)

The main character in Hitchhikers is a young, unwed girl who gets pregnant by her boyfriend and then to avoid shame (remember this was a different era), she runs away from home to join a hippie commune. The commune leader,…

It Follows (2014)

This is a movie that was light on the jump scares, which is a delightful change of pace. In the past few years more and more horrors have relied on jump scares to make up for the true scariest part…