B Movie Nation

Foundational Cinema

Month: September 2016

The Evil Dead (1981)

There is ONE feeling that everyone should have towards this movie…RESPECT ! Mostly respect regarding the achievement of Sam Raimi. This guy was 21 years old when he made this film and that’s impressive to say the least. I’m around…

Flight To Mars (1951)

Four men and a lady blast off for the red planet Mars in this lean-budgeted but likable little yarn. The explorers find a thriving civilization of completely humanoid Matians. The leaders of the Martian government act friendly, but they secretly…

Christine (1983)

Remember when you were young and movies where your only friend? Well such is a case in point when it comes to John Carpenter’s “Christine” Now as a rule, and a longstanding one at that, I could never read a…

Jack Frost (1997)

Here comes the fairy tale about another demented psychopath’s killing spree. Imagine your deepest, darkest fears…conjured up in the manifestation of a KILLER SNOWMAN! Well, in JACK FROST, we are casually acquainted with a repugnant Jack the Ripper-type tormentor named,…

Beast From Haunted Cave (1959)

Beast from Haunted Cave is set in a ski resort & on the snowy slopes somewhere in South Dakota called ‘Happiness Lodge’ where a quartet of thieves, Alexander Ward (Frank Wolff), Gypsy Boulet (Sheila Noonan), Marty Jones (Richard Sinatra) &…

Once They Lived In Palaces

Once They Lived In Palaces, Leo Bloom: Actors are not animals! They’re human beings! Max Bialystock: They are? Have you ever eaten with one? The Producers, Mel Brooks 1967 Gene Wilder passed this week, and I was surprised how much…

13 Ghosts (1960)

13 Ghosts has stood the test of time well, as have most of Castle’s films. While much is made of the gimmick of seeing the ghosts with 3d glasses, the movie itself is well made and not just a vehicle…

War Of The Colossal Beast (1958)

After being hit by a number of bazooka shells and falling some 700 feet from the top of the Hoover Dam 60 foot Glenn Manning, Duncan Parkin, somehow survived and ended up, flowing downstream, in Mexico. It’s there that Manning,…

Hannie Caulder (1971)

By 1971 the ripples the spaghetti western movement were in full effect in both sides of the Atlantic and Hannie Caulder is definitely a product of those times and the progeny of the films of Leone, Corbucci or Parolini more…

Mars Attacks The World (1938)

A large ray from Mars comes crashing through to Earth and messes up the atmosphere causing major storms, which could end up killing everyone. It turns out that Ming the Merciless (Charles Middleton) plans to destroy the Earth so a…