B Movie Nation

Foundational Cinema

Year: 2017

Voyage to the End of the Universe (1963)

IKARIE XB-1 is one of the most compelling science fiction films ever made. Filmed in very Cold War era Czecheslovokia and rarely seen in North America in it’s complete widescreen form, this is a movie that was so ahead of…

King Kong Escapes (1967)

Surprisingly, King Kong’s second Japanese outing, 1967’s King Kong Escapes is a much more enjoyable affair. A co-production with Rankin-Bass to cash in on the success of their animated King Kong TV series, it plays at times like a feature-length…

Hercules Against the Moon Men (1964)

A large asteroid falls on earth and from that emerges a group of aliens who try to take over the ancient world by bringing an evil witch back to life. The story is, like some many of these films, incidental…

Donovan’s Brain (1953)

Donovan’s Brain is one of the better known and highly respected science fiction films of the fifties, and it’s plain to see why. The scant special-effects requirements, serious tone, high-profile cast, and human-interest driven plot would have put it in…

THX 1138 (1971)

THX 1138, as we all probably know, was the first official film of George Lucas. It was made largely while he was still a film student, and it was actually produced by Francis Ford Coppola. For a first film, it…