B Movie Nation

Foundational Cinema

Month: November 2014

The Bad Moviedom of Mystery Science Theatre

For as long as movies have existed, bad movies have existed. But it’s only really in the past quarter-century that the most seemingly unwatchable flicks have carved out a genre unto themselves, and amassed a rabid following of guilty pleasure-seekers…

The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970)

The Bird with the Crystal Plumage was Dario Argento’s first film and it made him a hot property. Having had very little experience with actual filmmaking, he showed incredible potential with his debut and he took full advantage of it…

Today We Kill, Tomorrow We Die! (1968)

Ah, those childhood memories! Memories of old family traditions which included that my father would bring home every Bud Spencer and/or Terence Hill comedy he could get his hands on and triumphantly place them into my small hands. One time…

They Call Me Trinity (1970)

The opening eight or so minutes of this movie are priceless. Trinity (Terence Hill) is wandering the west riding on a litter dragged behind a horse who courteously wakens him upon reaching their destination. It is a stagecoach station, and…

Message from Space

This is one of those jaw dropping bad films that is absolutely hilarious! I had no idea what was happening for a lot of this film(!) but the main story has a planet being taken over by the Gavanas which…

Shock (1946)

In San Francisco a woman (Anabel Shaw) goes to a hotel where she’ll meet her husband who has been a prisoner of war for two years. While wandering around in her room she notices from her balcony door, a woman…

The Green Slime (1968)

The Class-Two asteroid Flora is on a collision course for earth and Commander Jack Rankin(Robetrt Horton) must take over operations of the space station Gamma Three from unproven Commander Vince Elliot(character actor Richard Jaeckel)..they will use a cruiser on the…

The Giant Behemoth (1959)

The Giant Behemoth was one of the last giant monster-on-the-loose films of the 1950’s, a decade that saw all manner of creatures born of the two biggest scientific issues of the decade- space exploration and nuclear weapons. Behemoth fell into…

13 Ghosts (1960)

William Castle’s horror films from the late 50s and into the 60s were generally cheesy fun. They had no illusions about being deep entertainment and the silliness was intensified by Castle’s introductions to the films as well as gimmicks like…

Tales of Terror (1962)

Roger Corman presents this horror anthology based on three stories by Edgar Allen Poe, where all three segments are introduced by and star Vincent Price. ‘Tales of Terror’ is a movie which generally is hard to accept as a serious…

The Lost World

Producer/director Irwin Allen had big plans for this one. He also had the big budget needed to craft a truly spectacular remake of the original 1925 classic silent film. And, he rightly felt that a new movie based on Sir…

The Bat (1959)

THE BAT (1959) will probably seem, by today’s standards, somewhat tame. Yes, there is a deranged killer who wears a glove barbed with razors, but he does not hack through his victims as is seen in recent times. In fact,…

They Saved Hitler’s Brain

It seemed that towards the end of the Second World War the Nazi’s not only came up with a game plan to escape from the advancing allies to a South American country named Mandoras to regroup their forces and wait…

Raiders of the Living Dead (1986)

The story as Zombie films go is not particularly offensive, we’ve got the typical out of town reporter investigating some strange goings on in a run down chemical plant that’s become a bit of an urban myth around town. But…

The People That Time Forgot (1977)

I first saw THE PEOPLE THAT TIME FORGOT in the early 1980s and as a sequel to the fondly remembered THE LAND THAT TIME FORGOT I was very disappointed in it . Having seen it again over 20 years later…

The Valley of Gwangi (1969)

The Valley of Gwangi is a film that, through cult enjoyment of its quality, has managed to overcome the problems that made it “forgotten” in motion pictures to enjoy its present status as a fantasy classic. Originally written by King…

The Atomic Submarine

After some half dozen US Navy subs have been destroyed in the Arctic Ocean within 200-from 87 to 90 degrees North latitude-miles of the North Pole it’s decided by the US Military to send it’s most advanced atomic submarine The…

The Last Dinosaur (1977)

Prepare to meet your Messiah – they call him Masten Thrust. Male role models have become increasingly difficult to find in today’s overexposed society. Every other day an apparent role model is forced to tearfully apologize for a youthful indiscretion…

Gorgo (1961)

The film begins off the Irish coast. A crew is looking for sunken treasure when a storm hits and the ocean floor is torn apart by a volcanic eruption (near Ireland?!). As a result, some weird primordial creatures are unleashed….

The Tingler (1959)

Definitely one of the more outrageously dull horror films that’s grown into a minor legend; just like William Castle’s emphasis on the promotion of his films, rather than the films themselves, “The Tingler” can best be enjoyed for what is…