B Movie Nation

Foundational Cinema

B Movie News

Willow Creek

Like death and taxes, the search for Bigfoot is a constant in life. We suspect he’s out there somewhere, toying with us as he eludes our grasp.  In the meantime, he’s apparently content to ruin perfectly innocent camping trips with good ol’ jump scares.

Bobcat Goldthwait’s Willow Creek got a full-length trailer earlier this week, and we’re happy to report that it checks all the boxes of modern found-footage horror.  Will there be shaky cam? Yes. Suspicious and possibly sinister locals giving exposition? Oh yeah. Will there be mysterious footprints and hair samples on tree branches? Double yes. “What is my sock doing in the tree?” one character wonders aloud at one point. Clearly, Bigfoot is up to no good.

While the trailer doesn’t offer any glimpses of the big man himself, we’re optimistic that he’ll show up eventually (barring a twist ending where they realize it’s just a mountain lion or something).  Either way, we’re psyched that Bigfoot finally got his very own B-movie.   Check it out: