B Movie Nation

Foundational Cinema

B Movie News

Blast (1997)

At the time of the Atlanta Olympics the FBI stopped a potential terrorist attack, this film is what might have happened if they hadn’t. Terrorist plant bombs all over the Olympic buildings and take the USA women’s swimming team hostage. However a janitor is left inside who happens to have weapons training and whose ex-wife is on the swimming team staff. He begins to evade and kill them as the clock ticks.

This is laziness itself. The film tries to give itself a base to work from by setting itself in reality and basing itself on what `might’ have happened. Let me tell you – this wouldn’t have happen, even if the terrorists attack had happen it wouldn’t have been like this! The story is stupid – `Die Hard in a swimming pool’, great. I wonder is John McTiernan ever saw this if he would regret making Die Hard and inspiring so many rubbish videos. The story is absurd and just wants some shooting and fighting – for example, Bryant gets two guns, does he use the ammo carefully? No – he runs into a room, fires all his bullets, hits nothing, throws the guns away and legs it! This is no Die Hard. And if you think this isn’t stupid then the terrible, terrible finale will prove it. It will have you roaring with laughter – it includes an exploding wheelchair, a walking stick that doubles as a samurai sword, a disabled man who can’t walk but can do martial arts moves and swim and some terrible effects. It really is that bad…..

Ashby is a bad version of Willis. He runs round in a sweaty, dirty white tee-shirt with blood stains but manages to be totally without charisma. I couldn’t believe how poor he was here. Of course, he can’t take the prize for worst performance. Divoff tries with a cheap version of Rickman, his accent never settles in one place and is really just a rent-a-thug role. However the prize for worst goes to Hauer in a bad haircut as a terrorist expert from Interpol, however he does set a great example for disabled people everywhere by overcoming disability to physically fight the baddie – stupid!