B Movie Nation

Foundational Cinema

B Movie News

Werewolves on Wheels (1971)

werewolfs on wheels

Traveling through the country, Adam, (Steve Oliver) Helen, (D.J. Anderson) Scarf, (Barry McGuire) Pill, (Billy Grey) Tarot, (Gene Shane) Shirley, (Anna Lynn Brown) and Mouse, (Owen Orr) members of a biker gang, stop off at a small town to take a break from the road. Told of a nearby church, they decide to investigate and find a small cult of hooded monks who reside at the church engaged in a secret ceremony. Initially respectful, they soon realize that by stepping foot on the church’s grounds invokes an ancient Satanic spell that turns them all into ravenous werewolves. When they realize the trick and their numbers start dwindling, they set about to right the wrongs before they take a turn for the worse and turn on each other.

The Good News: This one here doesn’t have a whole lot right, but there is a couple good moments. One of the good parts is that there’s some really good parts to come from the ceremonial ritual that occurs in here. There’s some really nice creepy moments in here from the fact that the whole ceremony takes place under a darkened room, with some great setting done in the underground cavern and with the different rituals that go on, from the nude snake-dancing to the hooded monks and everything that occurs during it, there’s a lot to like about that scene. The fist-fight that breaks it up afterward is a little fun and provides some action to it. A later attack on the group out in the countryside is pretty good, as it’s got more nudity, some drunken fun to be had before it happens, and there’s a really nice gore effect where the creature rips the victim’s throat out to a healthy blood gush. The last thing that works here is the fire-packed finale, since there’s also a full-on fight against a werewolf, torching and more going on to make it entertaining and end on a high note. These here are the film’s good parts.

The Bad News: This here did have a few flaws to it that keep it down. One of them is that there’s a lot of time in here where nothing much happens. This one has a couple long stretches where nothing at all happens other than the antics of the gang, and these are really dull and uninteresting to sit through. The beginning is fine, since it’s to build up to the main point, but then there’s the interminably long period after the attack at the church where they’re lounging around talking about whatever or are riding through the desert. That severely reduces the amount of action possible in the film and makes the film’s later half seem a little dull. That also has the effect of having the film use very little action for the majority of it’s time, and it really doesn’t feel like a horror film at times. That has a very damaging effect on the film, as it makes it hard to feel scared or terrified of what’s going on, and that reduces the effectiveness of it quite badly. The short run time doesn’t help matters, as it’s so unevenly paced it feels much longer due to all the boredom that occurs, and it really needed more to make it feel more entertaining. These here are the film’s flaws.

The Final Verdict: A cheesy, but still somewhat enjoyable film with some good parts to it and a couple flaws, this one here is really hard to recommend to. Fans of the genre, those who find it interesting or enjoy these kinds of 70s fare will find something to like, but those who prefer otherwise should heed caution.