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Foundational Cinema

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Alien Trespass (2009)

Authentic is the first word, which comes to mind. The sets, the period pieces, the language, the automobiles, everything was beautifully realized, developed, researched to create the “authenticity” of small town America in 1957.

Humor, well, it goes without saying. The script was superb.

“Great Dick” “The Goata is a biomorphic being cable of making itself invisible” “Paranoid camera” ” The Edsel will be around forever” ” I had a pipe”

Execution, Direction, Lighting, Timing, all superbly done, top notch and professional. It was crafted beautifully.

I left the movie theatre with a sense of delight and chuckle. My older sister remarked how she remembers playing on the Electrolux when we were kids skidding around the living room like a sleigh. The colorful jackets, the housewife, the pipe, The 3 holed Buick (not a four holed Century) all fond memories as a kid growing up. The illusion of a better time, innocence, naivety, which we fondly look back on, but it never really existed, the lack of knowledge but the pursuit of greater understanding of space, star ships, time travel, aliens, far off planets and the unknown. I walked out thinking “I loved that movie” it brings back so many good memories.

But the movie does more. With all its authenticity, humor, superb production, scoring, timing, lighting, acting, writing and direction, all necessary ingredients to establish quality, continuity and credibility, the movie makes us laugh at ourselves. This was best realized when we, the audience, were seated in the theatre watching a movie about a movie. It was during the “Blob” segment that we in fact became part of history.

The Blob segment was woven brilliantly, right down to the original chief of police. Instead of hearing Steve McQueen shouting CO2, CO2, I kept saying to myself, NaCl idiots, NaCl. The audience was experiencing three movies at once and we were laughing at all three simultaneously. So, it was more than a period piece, but also contemporary in its ability for us to see ourselves over a 50 year stretch of time and simultaneously, ponder if the human race will evolve in the coming 50 years.

It was simple in its complexity like Little Miss Sunshine, nothing pretentious, just accessible and wonderful for everybody. It makes us feel humanly vulnerable and gives us an opportunity to laugh at ourselves in the process. To ponder complex ideas in simple human terms and concurrently laughing out loud at our naivety and silliness, is well, very tough to pull off successfully…………. I loved it, thanks for making it.

An avid movie goer.