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Foundational Cinema

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Curse of the Undead (1959)

The combining of westerns with horror has not always made for great films. I mean, who can forget “Billy the Kid vs. Dracula” and “Jesse James meets Frankenstein’s Daughter”. The exception is “Curse of the Undead”. This 1959 picture stars Eric Fleming as a frontier preacher who is confronted with a vampire in the form of a hired gun, portrayed with sinister, yet sympathetic overtones by Michael Pate.

The plot has some holes in it. For example, Michael Pate’s character commits suicide after murdering his brother, which in turn condemns him for all eternity as a vampire…I mean, I have never heard of this premise for a person becoming one of the “undead”. Also, the vampire of this movie can walk around in the daylight with seemingly no ill effects, and everyone knows that vampires absolutely cannot be exposed to sunlight, or they will be destroyed.

Despite these minor flaws, the movie actually has a good story and some good acting by Fleming as the preacher, Pate as the vampire/gunslinger, and Kathleen Crowley as the love interest caught between the two. I highly recommend this movie.