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The Clones of Bruce Lee (1980)

This movie definitely was shoddily done, but the dubbing is kooky and the story is hilarious. At times, I think there were four Bruces. There is so much to say during the beach scene seeing two Bruce wannabes sporting speedos and one of them warning him to stay away from the naked babes on the beach and that they’ll “eat you alive”. WHY are they avoiding the women? Of course, throw in gratuitous nudity to attract attention. The kung fu isn’t up to Shaw Bros. level, but it’s decent. Dragon Lee is the best one as Bruce number one and swipes at his nose so often, you’d think he did lines in between takes. The scientist guy is played by guy who was head boss (“What I like, I get. And I want that restaurant!!!) in Way of the Dragon. Head Ham award gose to the evil drug lord who you have to credit him for being a big thinker. Not only does he want to be top drug lord, but be impressed by his “We will rule the world” speech.

This is far from being good in quality, but a lot of fights, very kooky premise, and high in kampiness value makes Clones a fun one to watch.