B Movie Nation

Foundational Cinema

B Movie News

The Midnight Hour (1985)

The Midnight Hour (1985) is a very hard movie to find but i found it to be enjoyable and good fun so i’d recommend it to horror/ 80’s movie fans!!! On Halloween night at Pitchfork Cove, a nice little town, a group of teenagers go down to the graveyard and unwittingly unleash an ancient curse, this curse is about to cause panic and devastation as zombies, werewolf’s and other monsters get unleashed!!! Amidst all of the chaos, leader of the gang “Phil” meets a mysterious blonde girl called Sandy, she and Phil become close friends and form a bond and work together to raise the curse before midnight and rid the town of the evil. Can the couple save their town?? Who is Sandy?? Phil is in for a shock as he finds out her past and who she really is!!!! Like i said before this T.V movie is hard to find but well worth it, with good make up effects, a nice story, good pacing, good fun characters and an excellent soundtrack too, 7/10 for The Midnight Hour.