B Movie Nation

Foundational Cinema

B Movie News

Death Race 2050 (2017)

this is a 70’s B/ grindhouse movie throwback in the best way possible. Manu Bennett is awesome as always, Perfectus was the perfect foil, Malcolm McDowell was hamming it up as only he can, and it was just genuinely a ton of fun. they went old school for the special effects,and it works for the tone of the movie. face on shots into the cars in front of obvious green screen, body parts that are obviously fake, tiny skips between vehicles crashing and then exploding. these techniques were done in just the right way to bring back the nostalgia feels if you grew up on classing cheesy cult movies. the storyline isn’t a carbon copy of Death Race 2000, and throws in a few nice swerves. the social commentary is still there. seeing some of the new names for areas in America was a running joke that kept getting funnier the further West the races went. from the intentionally dated special effects,to the biting political satire, this is a worthy successor to the classic cult movie.