This is an important documentary, because it criticizes all the established theories. When I first saw it, i really first believed in it. Now I don’t do it 100 %. But it made me think. It is a very bias documentary, but some of the point are good. Why where there maps that depicted the south pole under the ice in th 16th century?? That is a good question, which the established science have ignored. The south pole was first discovered and mapped in the 18th or 19th century. This documentary suggests that Aliens came down to earth and taught us many things. That is not my theory. My theory is that the human race was much more advanced once, before the last ice age. We know that the poles can shift, and that it has happened. Plus before the last ice age (20.000 – years ago) there were a lot warmer, plus they have found millions of years old bones of dinosaurs there. I think that an advanced human civilization once lived on the south pole. That explained a lot: we have a 16th century map of the pole under the ice, because the map from the ancient civilization was copied and copied again, from generation of learned people to the next. There a pyramids in Egypt, South America and somewhere in south east Asia. This explained that the once advanced human population of the south pole fled to the whole world after the ice age ruined their homelands, and they took their culture with them. All the depictions of gods, which are wearing helmets and breathing apparatus, are all because the advanced human race visited the primitive ones long ago. The advanced culture of humans explained the pyramids, all ancient cities, The sphinx (which has marks of irrigation on its back, which hints that it is as old as the recent wet-period in Egypt, which lies 25.000 – 35.000 years in the past, which is much older than it is acknowledged), how the pyramids were build, Balbeck in Lebanon, easter island and many other big ruins around the world. There is generally a feeling that people in the past were dumb – they were not. Just because they were not born in Europa or USA does not make people inferior. It is arrogantly of us in the west to assume the we invented everything first, and that advanced civilization started in the west.
B Movie Nation
Foundational Cinema