B Movie Nation

Foundational Cinema

B Movie News

Caged Fury (1983)

The best thing about my DVD version of “Caged Fury” is the tagline: “Alone they are dangerous….together they are deadly”. If only the movie lived up to it! (by the way, the picture quality on the DVD is on par with a poor VHS tape). The movie starts as a standard WIC (Women-In-Camp) drama, with a plot element of brainwashed assassins triggered by a voice on the phone that reminded me of the Charles Bronson flick “Telefon”. But that plot thread is forgotten somewhere along the way, as we focus on the heroine’s escape attempts, first along with a male guard, later along with her fellow prisoners as they overtake a train. On the whole, the female action elements are disappointingly brief in duration, and the action scenes in general are unexciting. Unless you MUST see everything that Cirio H. Santiago ever made, “Caged Fury” can be skipped.