B Movie Nation

Foundational Cinema

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Pigs (1973)

After a pre-credit sequence which takes a principled stand against childhood sexual abuse by showing an older adult male’s hand feeling up the bottom of a voluptuous and very mature-looking “teenager”, this movie gets right down to business with it’s two chief exploitative elements–sex, of course, and pigs (which is what this movie was originally called). The plot revolves around two psychos–a sexually active young woman (apparently the grown-up version of the “teenager” from the pre-credit sequence) who murders her many male conquests, and her elderly partner-in-crime, a pig farmer who feeds the bodies to his porkers. This movie thus is basically a rural version of Mantis in Lace with the LSD sequences replaced by surreal footage of rampaging pigs. Still it should be admired for its sheer audacity and its bizarre and ludicrous plot (it’s totally original if nothing else). It also manages to shoe-horn in one of the most hypocritical feminist themes this side of I Spit on Your Grave. What a bucket of slop!