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Foundational Cinema

B Movie News

Savage Streets (1984)

Brenda (Linda Blair), along with her high school friends, feels its a good idea to steal some hoodlum’s car & total it after her deaf/mute sister walks into the middle of the road and almost gets hit by them. This doesn’t sit well for the decidedly homo-erotic gang of ‘bad boys’ lead with sadistic panache by Jake, so they decide to rape Brenda’s sister which leads to her seeking vengeance in this 80’s exploitation staple.

Some might say that this film is simple-minded and while there’s truth to that and it’s a valid point, this film is also a pretty good piece of trash that wears it’s exploitation badge on it’s sleeve. I admire that and it’s a fun enough seedy little ride that lets me excuse Blair’s terribly campy acting throughout. Director Danny Stienmann does a bang-up job and if he’ll just do another film of this caliber I promise i’ll forgive him for “Friday the 13th: A New Beginning” Oh yeah, and I have to give props to John Vernon, as well, as his part, though rather small, is still greatness.