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Munster, Go Home! (1966)

After appearing in 57 of 70 television episodes as Marilyn Munster one would think Pat Priest would have been included in The Munster’s FIRST feature length film. There was some lame excuse that she was too old, even though the film was released a year after the series’ last episode. Debbie Watson gave a good performance in MGH, but I had a difficult time excepting her as part of the Munster clan.

This, however, did not detract from the film that Munster Charm that came to us for two wonderful seasons on The Munsters. I still loved the film in all its brilliant color. I’ve just purchased the First Season episodes on DVD and am very saddened and surprised to learn Munster Go Home, the DVD version, is currently out out of print. Munster Go Home is as enjoyable as the series and should be offered to all Munster fans of all ages to enjoy.