B Movie Nation

Foundational Cinema

B Movie News

The B Movie App

Looking for a unique scary movie to watch this Halloween? There’s an app for that.

UBC Professor Ernest Mathijs has developed the app “100 Cult Films” to help you navigate the underworld of B-list and mainstream horror movies this Halloween.

The app released in September is already a best-seller on the iTunes store.

Included are interactive features like interviews with the directors of Gremlins, Hostel and Cabin Fever. Mattijs also co-authored a book of the same name in 2011 as a guide to those bloody, gory terror films.

Some of the films Mathijs recommends for your spooky Halloween night: Cat People, Nosferatu and Canadian cult classic Ginger Snaps.

He adds horror films have a way of making you question who you are and what you might do in a desperate moment.