B Movie Nation

Foundational Cinema

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A Boy and His Dog (1975)

1975’s “A Boy And His Dog” defies categorization, much like the outspoken author who penned its Nebula-winning source novella. Harlan Ellison has resisted the genre label for his entire 900+ short story career (“call me a ‘science fiction’ writer, and…

Hercules (1958)

¨Huge and immortal was the strength of Hercules as the world and the Gods to which the belonged , but one day men crossed his path . They were ready to sacrifice their brief treasure , life for knowledge ,…

Duel of the Titans (1961)

A good cinematic adaptation from legendary history of Roma founders which joined two Peplum’s two greatest heroes . Two twin brothers , sons of God Marte and Rea Silvia are dropped to the river Arno . They are breast-feed by…

Rabid Dogs (1974)

After the heist of the payment of the employees of a chemical industry where the treasurer and a security guard are murdered, the driver of the runaway car of the criminals Dottore (Maurice Poli), Bisturi (Don Backy) and Trentadue (Luigi…

The Giant of Marathon (1959)

The story is set in 490 BC, during Medic Wars between Greeks and Persians .The Battle of Marathon was a watershed in the Greco-Persian wars, showing the Greeks that the Persians could be beaten; the eventual Greek triumph in these…

Baron Blood (1972)

Mario Bava’s BARON BLOOD is a fine a tribute to the monster movies of Hollywood’s golden age. So evocative of that period is this film that it takes not even a moment’s thought to mentally recast Boris Karloff as the…

Danger: Diabolik (1968)

Mario Bava’s pop-art extravaganza was his only big budget film: Dino De Laurentiis gave him three million dollars to shoot it, Bava only needed 400,000 to turn “Danger: Diabolik” into an unforgettably entertaining cult film. John Phillip Law plays Diabolik,…

She Beast (1966)

An English couple are vacationing in Communist Romania… don’t ask me why. After a bad run-in with a local innkeeper appropriately named Groper, they run their car into the lake. The man (Ian Ogilvy) is saved, but pulled up with…

The Ghost (1963)

This highly-regarded example of the Italian Gothic Horror style had eluded me until now; even so, having caught up with it at long last, I still wasn’t done with the ‘Curse Of THE GHOST’: the Retromedia DVD proved faulty, with…

Curse of the Swamp Creature (1966)

Director Larry Buchanan’s Curse of the Swamp Creature is a worthy companion to the parade of “swamp-stomping mad scientist trying to shake off meddlesome interloper” films which populate one of horror’s tiniest genres. It’s not hard to make waves in…

Three-Film Press Release

Triple the entertainment with the announcement of four production companies teaming up to make three horror-comedies.  The team consists of Rycke Foreman (haRMFul Productions), Phil Condit (Sick Puppy Productions), Maria Olsen (MOnstersWorks66 Productions) and Lionel Archuleta (Lion Arch Productions.   All…

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Marked for Death (1990)

Marked for Death starts as undercover DEA agent John Hatcher (producer Steven Seagal) decides he has had enough of his job after his partner Chico (Richard Delmonte) is murdered in a botched up drugs bust. Hatcher retires & heads to…

Hard to Kill (1990)

A thought came up to me as I was watching Hard to Kill (1990). After I watched the film, I was reminded of the Kill Bill movies, and I wondered if Hard to Kill’s plot inspired Quentin Tarantino to make…

Honor and Glory (1993)

This is another Godfrey Ho film that takes place in a world where everyone knows the martial arts, but no one can act. Although lacking in the eyeball pulling mullet madness of Undefeatable, Honour and Glory makes up for it…

The Spotlight shines on Darin Cooper

Darin Cooper is highly recognized in numerous films and his credits keep piling up.  The last year has been an exceptional time for Darin, with a half dozen recently released films and several currently in production where he is working…

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Five Quick Questions with Ryan Nagata – Amigo Undead

Amigo Undead follows the travails of Kevin Ostrowski, “a straight laced financial adviser, who is invited to his ne’er do well older brother Norm’s 40th birthday party. Much to Kevin’s dismay, the ‘party’ turns out to be a small gathering…

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Night Vision (1997)

When a sadistic serial killer starts stalking the streets of Dallas, Texas, only one man can stop the madness: Dakota “Dak” Smith (Williamson). But before he can fight this antagonist, he must fight his inner demons: he’s been living in…

Metropolis (1927)

Metropolis is one of the sci-fi movies that is always referenced in a Discovery Channel or TLC documentary on the history of films and/or science fiction. The only ‘clip’ of Metropolis shown is the huge sky scrapers nearly blocking out…

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)

Like so many of the films from the silent era, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari gets overlooked (if you can even find it!) for big budget duds, and runny romantic comedies. Directors of the period like Griffith, Lang, Eisenstien, and…

Marvin Vs. Goliath

The movie business is in trouble. There seems to be a malaise which has settled on this industry. An attitude that you really have no control of your business, no ability to determine if you succeed or if you fail….