B Movie Nation

Foundational Cinema

B Movie News

Ragewar (1984)

One from back in the days when Charles Band still made *cough* great *cough* movies… I saw this one countless times as a kid, and believe it or not, it was just too much fun re-watching it last week. I…

Shrunken Heads (1994)

Three kids, Tommy Larson, (Aeryk Egan) Bill Turner, (Bo Sharon) and Freddie Thompson (Darris Love) live in a rough area full of gangsters and bullies. The only person who is nice to them is Mr. Sumatra, (Julius Harris) who owns…

Asylum of Satan (1972)

“Asylum of Satan” actually has some interesting ideas. The concept itself has been overdone many times, as horror films set in insane asylums really have nothing new to offer (the subgenre peaked with the masterpiece “Shock Corridor”). However, the female…

Monster (1980)

Sure, this is one of them bad movies, but on the other hand, it’s yet another good bad movies! The sexual politics of this one alone are hilarious, but wait till you get a load of the monster. A woman…

Evil Spawn (1987)

An aging actress, Lynn Roman(Bobbie Bresee;who, at 37, had one knock out of a body), desperately desires to retain her past glory by nabbing a major part designed for a 20 year old lead, decides to inject an experimental formula…

The Corpse Grinders (1971)

Lately cats have been attacking people for no apparent reason. These cats and their owners can’t get enough of ‘Lotos cat food’ that has minced human flesh as it’s special secret ingredient. Factory owners Landau (Sanford Mitchell) & Maltby (J….

The Big Combo (1955)

Cornel Wilde plays a police detective obsessed with bringing down crime lord Mr. Brown (Richard Conte), while hoping at the same time to win the affections of Conte’s girl, Jean Wallace, in this tremendously atmospheric noir from 1955. The noir…

Child Bride (1938)

This is one of the strangest classic exploitation movies ever made, ranking with Chained For Life and The Terror of Tiny Town for sheer weirdness. The cast — largely comprised of unknowns and non-actors, but also including popular Angelo Rossitto…

Demons 2 (1986)

A group of tenants and visitors are trapped in a 10-story high-rise apartment building infested with demons who proceed to hunt the dwindling humans down.After the initial demon outbreak (“Demons”), the creatures are spreading. In this second installment, residents of…

Deep in the Valley (2009)

Quite liked this, very entertaining and not just in terms of the plentiful softcore cheesecake on display. The porn world is so riven with clichés that it’s obviously fit for satire as Boogie Nights so ably proved. Really like Chris…

Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet (1965)

I’m of the opinion that film is powerful, powerful enough that large segments of our imagination is guided by cinematic relationships. That even the nature of reasoning is affected, even as deeply as how we reinvent practical logic. There are…

Psych-Out (1968)

I purchased this movie recently as one of those “MIDNITE MOVIES”, that MGM has put out as a double feature on DVD. I absolutely love this movie. If you want to know what 1968 looked like, really looked like in…

Red Dawn (1984)

RED DAWN is set in the time of war, when the Soviet Union takes over the United States. When they capture many of the parents of one city’s youth, the teenagers band together to fight back against the Soviets and…

Candyman (1992)

The Candyman, a murderous soul with a hook for a hand, is accidentally summoned to reality by a skeptic grad student researching the monster’s myth. Helen Lyle (Virginia Madsen) doctoral student, and wife of a collage professor, is doing research…

Little Big Horn (1951)

When one looks at lists of all time great westerns, its not likely that you’ll see “Little Big Horn” among them. It is nonetheless worthy of greater appreciation. Produced by the small independent Lippert Company and directed by first time…

Sweet Movie Memories

I know why I still get off on the Oxford Theatre, I said to myself lining up there the other day. I can remember those Saturday afternoons: Chronicle Herald paper route done, hockey sticks and ball gloves stowed away. Maybe,…

B Movie News

Poseidon Rex

Poseidon Rex is a 2013 American sci-fi horror film directed by Mark L. Lester (Firestarter), and starring Brian Krause, Anne McDaniels and Steven Helmkamp. A small, secluded island off the coast of Belize suddenly finds itself terrorized by a deadly predator from…

Prophecy (1979)

Prophecy is, at best, a) a departure for John Frankenheimer, b) a 70’s horror movie with a social conscience and, c) not withstanding amateurish special effects, predictable dialogue and long-view shots of Talia Shire looking petrified beyond speech, an actually…


This movie has gotten a lot of flak over the years as a land-based Jaws copy. That criticism is obviously true to some extent. However, the bulk of movies today are often just re-hashes and remakes of stories that have…

Cannonball! (1976)

The movie that broke the dam and started a flood of films revolving around illegal coast to coast car races, really isn’t half bad. That is so long as you don’t forget its a B grade film. There are moments…