B Movie Nation

Foundational Cinema

Month: September 2020

Whoever Slew Auntie Roo? (1972)

Former stage star Auntie Roo (Shelley Winters) is the love of orphans in town come Christmas time as she invites ten lucky kids to come spend the night at her countryside estate on Christmas Eve. Two kids, Chris (Mark Lester)…

Hollywood Vs The Tsunami

I do not think many realize how fast the media and entertainment landscape is changing. When you take a look around the motion picture industry you soon realize that a mass dragon of change has gripped this industry, and no…

The Evictors (1979)

The Evictors, like Charles B. Pierce’s other efforts (The Legend of Boggy Creek and The Town That Dreaded Sundown) is a spooky story based on actual events. This story centers around a house with a violent past. That past, however,…

Chariots of the Gods (1970)

This is an important documentary, because it criticizes all the established theories. When I first saw it, i really first believed in it. Now I don’t do it 100 %. But it made me think. It is a very bias…

The Town That Dreaded Sundown (1976)

Another chilling docu-thriller from director Charles B. Pierce (who made The Ledgend of Boggy Creek in 1972), this film being his best! It’s 1946, in the small town of Texarkana, Texas-Arkansas a hooded murderer is terrorizing the community and making…

The Lincoln Conspiracy (1977)

The scintillating aura of intrigue infusing Sunn Classic’s THE LINCOLN CONSPIRACY is intoxicating & addictive. Easily the company’s most respectable golden era production, Bradford Dillman overacts and hams his way through the film in the role of John Wilkes Booth…