B Movie Nation

Foundational Cinema

Year: 2016

Billion Dollar Brain (1967)

When ex-agent Harry Palmer recieves a mysterious request to deliver a flask to Finland in return for a fee, Col. Ross forcibly re-employs him with British Intelligence. Palmer is ordered to proceed to Finland with the flask (which contains deadly…

The Night Walker (1964)

Producer/Director William Castle, famed for his low-budget shockers complete with assorted gimmicks, had by now reached his “Star Stage.” He had featured Vincent Price in two of his films, and in 1964 really scored a coup when he signed Joan…

Monster on the Campus (1958)

Professor Blake has a new toy. It seems that his university has just purchased a coelacanthe–a primordial fish species that was discovered to still be alive in the 20th century. Unfortunately for the Doc, he doesn’t realize that the fish…

Two-Gun Lady (1955)

An Annie Oakley-type trick-shot artist named Kate Masters (Peggy Castle) comes into town to put on a show at the local saloon. She also let’s a couple of fresh rednecks know that she’s not about to be pushed around by…

The Sequel Awakens

Many have been predicting the demise of movie going. With the release of The Force Awakens, many and rightly so have seen a rebirth in movie going. But it also solidifies a series of trends which spell doom for the…

Critters (1986)

Somewhere in space, a prison asteroid was going to have a vicious gang of furry basketball-shaped razor-toothed creatures called “Krites” until they suddenly escape to Earth so they can eat whatever comes in their way. The Brown family ( Billy…

Survival Run (1979)

Spree is one of those movies that has fallen through the cracks and landed in cinematic oblivion. The only people who seem to remember Spree are those who found it distasteful or exploitative. The reason for Spree’s surprising inability to…

Hammerhead (1968)

“Hammerhead” fit very nicely into the 60’s/70’s explosion of spy flicks which were rushed into theaters following the success of James Bond. It was less humorous and over-the-top than either the Matt Helm or Derek Flint series, but less dark…

Desert Warrior (1988)

Not to be confused with Enzo G. Castellari’s earlier film of the same name which starred Mark Harmon, this effort features the Incredible Hulk himself, big Lou Ferrigno. Things get off to a thumping start with a curiously happy sounding…

Godzilla Vs The Thing

Godzilla Vs Mothra,the fourth Godzilla film,is regarded by some fans as the best. It doesn’t have the power and allegorical elements of the original,yet it doesn’t go into outright camp like many of the sequels. The film is colourful,exciting and…

Malibu High (1979)

Malibu High is the story of struggling student Kim Bentley (Jill Lansing in her one and only screen performance) who will do anything, and I definitely mean anything, in order to graduate. We are introduced to our chain smoking heroine…