B Movie Nation

Foundational Cinema

B Movie News

Ginger Snaps (2000)

‘Ginger Snaps’, while not totally perfect, is one of the freshest horror movies I’ve seen in ages, and one of the best werewolf movies of recent years. You can read the plot elsewhere so I won’t bore you by repeating it. But I have to comment on the excellent script, with its realistic portrayal of teen life. No 90210/’Seventh Heaven’ whitewash here! The teens act and talk like REAL PEOPLE, and the honesty about sex, drugs and puberty is rarely seen in contemporary movies, horror or otherwise.

I said not totally perfect because the climax was a let down. The last 20-25 minutes of the film lost its way a bit, and dragged in places. A bit more tightening up and a stronger ending could have made ‘Ginger Snaps’ a classic. As it is it’s an original spin on an old concept, and highly recommended viewing!