B Movie Nation

Foundational Cinema

Year: 2019

Night of the Creeps (1986)

“Night of the Creeps” is definitely one of the better B-movies that are out there. Granted, like all B-movies it’s a bit hokey at times, and also follows along the trademark lines with films of this caliber (obligatory boob shot,…

Beginning of the End (1957)

Photographer/journalist Audrey Aimes, portrayed by the lovely Peggy Castle, stops to visit Dr. Wainwright, the Dept. of Agriculture scientist who has used radiation on his plants to make them larger, only to discover that grasshoppers have feasted on them, thus…

Man Underground (2016)

Another entry in this year’s ‘Fantasia International Film Festival’, is this indie comedy-drama flick; written, produced and directed by first time feature filmmakers Michael Borowiec and Sam Marine. It’s about an awkward conspiracy theorist, that enlists his friend, and a…

Crazy Lake (2016)

This place got its name because years back, hospitals and clinics used to toss their most troublesome, psychotic patients into the lake to drown. A group of friends visit the cottage for the weekend, which just so happens to be…

Cannibal Ferox (1981)

This may be one of the very worst films on Cannibals ever done. Lenzi repeats himself with almost the same settings as in his other movie, titled “Eaten Alive” in English. I have the fortune of having all the uncut…

Zombie Holocaust (1980)

During a routine autopsy, medical student Lori Ridgeway, (Alexandra Delli Colli) notices that the cadaver is incomplete, despite being in excellent condition the night before. As this trend continues, she finally goes to her boss, Dr. Dreylock, (Walter Patriarca) who…

Doing the Mandalorian Shuffle

When I was young I was a full blown nerd. I still am in many ways. My nerd-dom was super accelerated by a movie called Star Wars. I must have seen it in the theaters at least six times, a…

Absurd (1981)

As is the case with many low-budget horror films released numerous times with different cuts and ratings in various different continents, Joe D’Amato’s Absurd is known under a wealth of alternative titles. Also known as Horrible, Rosso Sangue and Monster…

House on the Edge of the Park (1980)

Perhaps one of the most infamous violence-exploitation films ever made, and for good reason! Slick rapist and his simple-minded buddy get invited to a snobbish get-together, where they quickly take over the house. Disturbingly dark, oddly erotic, and subtly directed,…

City of the Living Dead (1980)

Like most of Fulci’s horror movies and Italian horror in general, plot and logic take a back seat to gore and stunning visual set pieces. I don’t think that ‘City Of The Living Dead’ quite reaches the heights of Fulci’s…

Demons (1985)

This has got to be one of the best Italian horror flicks ever made, which is no surprise considering it was produced by Dario Argento, master of Italian horror himself. The plot can be summed up with one sentence: people…

Let Sleeping Corpses Lie (1974)

The Good News: When this one came out, everyone was trying to generate the buzz that came from earlier films, and this Spanish film is one of the better ones. The first attack, while being threatening and scary in it’s…

All Hell Breaks Loose (2014)

Ultra low-budget indie ‘grindhouse’ flick; about a biker gang from Hell, collecting virgins to sacrifice to Satan, and a slain wimpy nerd, revived by God himself (over and over again), on a mission to stop them. The film was directed…

Bikini Summer (1991)

Its so awful,the acting,the plot (if there is any).The whole deal its totally stupid,the acting was more than lame,the whiney behaviour of the main female cast was appaling,it made me sick.The only kind of cool thing was the party at…

The Editor (2014)

I hate to give this such a low mark, because there were at least half a dozen times in the first half hour when I thought The Editor was about to blossom into a note-perfect giallo homage. A few brief…

47 Hours – Coming Soon

Two socially awkward teenage girls, are bored one night and turn to the internet for scary stories. They find a game on a creepy website that claims you can use your phone to summon the supernatural…and if you lose the…

The Thirsty Dead (1974)

This movie’s main flaw seems to be that it takes itself too seriously. Its skirting around camp, taken in consideration with some moments that seem quite earnestly acted and scripted (however poorly it worked out), becomes an unintentional side-effect. This…

White Line Fever (1975)

This film catapulted Jan-Michael Vincent to stardom level for awhile, and contained a lot of good, exciting action scenes as well as politically correct assessment of some of the problems of independent truckers at the time. Of course, it contained…

The Monster and the Ape (1945)

The plot and adventures were fun. The monster is a robot. Macready is a king of crime who wants to use the robot for evil. The cliffhangers were mostly laughable cheats. In one episode you see a stunned Robert Lowery…

The Magnetic Monster (1953)

The astounding story of the “thing” that came alive deals with the discovery of an atomic power , then the government has set up a special group, the Office of Scientific Investigation or OSI , to look into rare phenomenon…