B Movie Nation

Foundational Cinema

B Movie News

First Men in the Moon (1964)

Someone who had read H. G. Wells’ “First Men in the Moon” and then sat down to watch this adaptation may well be aghast at the opening sequences, which deal with a “modern-day” mission to the moon, as opposed to…

Them! (1954)

As has been my habit of late, I’m catching-up on old movies I remember from my youth seen on the screen at the time of release or remembered from ’60s-’80s replays on late-night television. Watching them on a widescreen TV…

The Monkey’s Uncle (1965)

‘The Monkey’s Uncle’ is the sequel to ‘The Misadventures of Merlin Jones’. I have not yet re-watched this classic Disney comedy. Have I ever seen it? ‘The Monkey’s Uncle’ is only available on VHS. The only place you can rent…

Invaders from Mars (1953)

Invaders From Mars is, arguably, a cult classic. William Cameron Menzies, of “Gone With The Wind” and “The Thief of Baghdad” and “Things to Come” fame puts his artistic expertise to work in creating a world of impending doom, seen…

The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957)

I finally caught up with Jack Arnold’s most highly-regarded piece of science fiction, and I have to say that I agree it’s his most accomplished work. True, the plot isn’t terribly original (how about THE DEVIL-DOLL [1936], which I watched…

Deadlier Than the Male (1967)

Before her time bomb blow a personal airliner to pieces, Elke Sommer bails out over the ocean. This struck me as a very tasteful and artistic scene because before she bails out, Sommer sheds her long slacks and deplanes wearing…

Earth vs. the Flying Saucers (1956)

At the time, spectacle of the scope of flying saucers tearing through the Capitol must have been stupendous to watch. Independence Day owes everything to it. It is still impressive to watch, we have Ray Harryhausen to thank for that….

Charles B. Griffith

The Little Shop of Horrors (1960), one of Roger Corman’s most popular Z-movies, shot in under three days for $27,000, featured a talking, carnivorous plant called Audrey Junior, which keeps screaming “Feed Me!” The voice was supplied by Charles B…

The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires (1974)

Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires (1974) is such an awesome film. How can you go wrong when you have Roy Ward Baker, Chang Cheh and the Liu brothers all working on a film together? This film has everything, the…

Way… Way Out (1966)

A few parts had me howling, even though the rest of the room was dead quiet. But I’ve always been a fan of Jerry’s more subtle “deadpan” humour and surrealistic, wordless scenes where the comedy seeps into you rather than…

Dick Miller

Richard “Dick” Miller (born December 25, 1928) is an American character actor who has appeared in over 100 films, particularly those produced by Roger Corman, and later in films of directors who started their careers with Corman, including James Cameron…

Dracula A.D. 1972

One thing in life that I always enjoyed in my childhood was me and my mom watching the old Hammer Dracula films, they were always a blast to watch how Dracula would get himself back out of the coffin once…

The Manhandlers (1974)

A gorgeous girl named Katie inherits her deceased uncle’s business and decides that she too can be a businesswoman and hire two hot girlfriends. Katie doesn’t like the brothel part so she gets rid of that and is soon giving…

It’s a Bikini World (1967)

The comic book opening graphics are well enough. Ten minutes into the movie, a swinging go-go chick with personality and dressed in a bikini-dancing outfit hops out a hot number in front of the stage of a club called “The…

Ebony Ivory and Jade (1976)

Ebony Ivory And Jade is a ok film for fans of martial arts flicks, but if you’re into dirty 70’s b-movies, check yourself. The recent reissue on VHS and DVD barely mentions it in the liner notes, but this is…

Starcrash (1978)

Take Caroline Munro. Put her in a leather space bikini with matching boots, give her a ridiculous looking laser gun, have someone get some oil on her chest and we are talking entertainment. Now, add a plot that is reminiscent…

Dinocroc (2004)

Roger Corman’s DINOCROC is a true b-movie in the grand tradition of atomic age monster movies. And make no mistake about it; this is an old-fashioned creature feature and not a typical nature gone amok/killer animal movie. The Dinocroc may…

Upcoming – State of Desolation

One of the most anticipated zombie films of 2015 is Jim Towns State of Desolation.  It’s packed with a well-recognized cast including our favorites, Jamie Bernadette, Craig Stark, Sadie Katz, Maria Olsen, Daniel Buran, Dominique Swain, Victoria De Mare, and…

Taylor Negron, He’s That Guy, A Last Gift

I always knew when I saw Taylor Negron’s face that I was in for a good time, a real good time. At least twice a year I have to whip out my copy of Easy Money Starring Rodney Dangerfield, Jennifer…

The Wild Women of Wongo (1958)

Connoisseurs of bad movies will have a field day with this one, “Wild Women of Wongo” is a veritable treat for lovers of turkey films. I know that when I first heard of the title I couldn’t rest till it…