B Movie Nation

Foundational Cinema

B Movie News

Tourist Trap (1979)

1979’s Tourist Trap is a clever, unique B thriller that stands out as one of the best of it’s kind.

Travellers stop at a lonely wax museum where the owner’s mannequins are a little too life-like for comfort.

While the film has hints of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Tourist Trap is mainly a creepy psychological thriller worthy of The Twilight Zone. Director David Schmoeller gives this movie an atmosphere of darkness and mystery, that reaches nightmarish proportions. Also, Schmoelloer adds the occasional touch of comic relief to the bizarre happenings.

Venteran actor Chuck Connors is the best of the film’s decent cast. Pino Donaggio’s music score is excellent, having both lyrical and solemn themes that are perfect to the movie. A number of the film’s sequences are quite memorable.

For horror and thriller fans alike, Tourist Trap is an unforgettable must-see film.