B Movie Nation

Foundational Cinema

Year: 2020

Blood of Dracula’s Castle (1969)

Dracula isn’t going by “Dracula” these days, and his castle isn’t really his, it’s rented, and it isn’t really a castle, but just resembles one. And while there is blood, remarkably Dracula is now so leisure-class that he has servants…

The Maze (1953)

A woman and her aunt go to Scotland to locate her evasive fiancĂ©. This is a much-maligned film because of its denouement, but up to that point, it’s interesting, well-acted, eerie, and with fine set design (by William Cameron Menzies,…

It Follows (2014)

A simple but clever premise which draws upon horror traditions, especially the work of John Carpenter, is sustained throughout the movie to produce a memorable and tense 100 minutes. The subject of sex, sexuality, disease, the transition into adulthood (you…

The Deadly Spawn (1983)

I saw this movie in the mid ’80s, renting it for a high-school slumber-party I dubbed `Dusk to Dawn’ (a marathon of B-movie horror flicks). My jaw dropped – this was intense stuff! I recently watched it again and was…

The Deadly Spawn (1983)

I saw this movie in the mid ’80s, renting it for a high-school slumber-party I dubbed `Dusk to Dawn’ (a marathon of B-movie horror flicks). My jaw dropped – this was intense stuff! I recently watched it again and was…

The Night God Screamed (1971)

This unimaginably obscure gem of horror perfectly epitomizes why I, and surely many regular members of this website with me, absolutely worship the 70’s decade! “The Night God Screamed” is genuinely creepy without there being much of a budget for…

The Invisible Man Returns (1940)

There are a lot of reasons why this 1940 sequel is better than the original INVISIBLE MAN. In the first movie, the Invisible Man was a dilettante, a haughty scientist who shot himself up with the invisibility drug “for kicks.”…

My World Dies Screaming (1958)

As a child this movie always scared the daylights out of my sister and me whenever we saw on TV. In fact, in my mind it has always been *the* horror movie of my childhood. After finally discovering its name…

Five the Hard Way (1969)

The story starts off being kind of cheesy as it introduces us to the exciting new sport of Sidehacking, which has become so popular that most people have never heard of it unless they are fans of MST3K. Basically, you…

The Losers (1970)

In order to rescue a Presidential Advisor (in a Francis Ford Coppola costume) from a group of Chinese Communists in Cambodia, the government enlists a subdivision of Hell’s Angels led by William Smith to break in there and get him…

Hysteria (1965)

Hysteria is directed by Freddie Francis and written by Jimmy Sangster. It stars Robert Webber, Anthony Newlands, Jennifer Jayne, Maurice Denham and Lelia Gordon. Music is by Don Banks and cinematography by John Wilcox. From the long line of Hammer…

Birds of Prey (2020)

Birds of Prey (2020 film) Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) is an upcoming 2020 American superhero film based on the DC Comics team Birds of Prey. … Birds of Prey is scheduled to be…

Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)

The movie is about godzilla right? I dont want to follow a little girl and her mom 70% of the movie. I just dont care about them or if they will survive or die because its about the giant monster….