B Movie Nation

Foundational Cinema

Year: 2019

The 36th Chamber of Shaolin (1978)

This is THE Hong Kong martial arts movie every fan of the genre MUST see. After watching this you’ll be in no doubt why Tarantino picked the star, Chia Hui Liu, for two parts in his Kill Bill double. The…

Hitcher in the Dark (1989)

Incredibly silly psychological thriller from the same man who brought us Eaten Alive, Cannibal Ferox, Nightmare City and countless giallos. This time out he tells the story of a young man (Joe Balogh) who is so in love with his…

The Vulture (1966)

Set in Cornwall but actually produced in Canada, THE VULTURE is a somewhat offbeat sci-fi thriller filmed in the mid-1960s. The cat is a surprising mix of genre regulars and newcomers to the field, but the film has an odd…

Deathstalker IV: Match of Titans (1991)

This is clearly the best of the Deathstalker series, much better than the first three. Rick Hill (Deathstalker 1) is back, this time with more filled out masculine features and physique. He and Dionara (Maria Ford), after generally being involved…

Eroding The Movie Going Experience

We are living in more than interesting times. The streaming wars are about to get super-heated and it looks like Disney is going to be pretty strong coming out of the gate on November 12th. On Tuesday of this week,…

Turbo Kid (2015)

Turbo Kid is a fun little film that mashes a hyper-violent post apocalyptic wasteland with 80’s retro-style science fiction. The film revolves around The Kid, a nameless scavenger who lives alone in an underground bunker. He spends his days scavenging,…

Light Blast (1985)

Lightblast is quite entertaining movie, in the trashy way. It doesn’t promise more than it can offer – it has pretty childish plot, just average actors, characters aren’t introduced and there’s too much car chasing scenes. Still, I love the…

Death Spa (1989)

Extremely gory movie about a health spa, The Starbody,haunted by the owners Michael Evens, William Bumiller, wife Catherine, Shari Shattuck, with some of the most gut turning scenes even put on film. The movie starts out with what at first…

The Black 6 (1973)

The black six is a standard blacksploitation movie enhanced by the cast of all star football players. The black six mentioned in the title are a rough gang of bikers just back from vietnam looking for nothing but a good…

Village of the Damned (1995)

The movie is pretty well pasted with a clever script and some creepy scenes. We also get some good acting from the adult actors and one of the child actors (David), but when we consider the other children, they seem…

Children of the Damned (1964)

Five super-intelligent, emotionless children are discovered around the world. They also have the power to control peoples minds (their eyes glow when they do this). They’re all taken to London to be studied but they escape and barricade themselves in…

Vampire in Vegas (2009)

Sylvian (Tony Todd) is a 300-year-old vampire who wants to be cured so he travels to Las Vegas where he wants Dr. Van Helm (Delia Sheppard) to find a cure. She begins experimenting on local vampires and once their bodies…

Fire from Below (2009)

The film sees a band of miners accidentally hitting a vein of liquid fire which has the ability to react with the air and cause some truly explosive disasters. Cue various scientists as they end up racing around the country…

Silk (1986)

This is a low-budget effort about a maverick female cop who single-handedly fights crime and corruption, playing by her own rules (a la Dirty Harry). Set in Honolulu, the film opens with Silk thwarting a robbery with her trusty handgun,…

Project: Kill (1976)

And I am not talking about insulin for diabetes. Contrary to popular belief, veteran actor Leslie Nielsen did not have his first comedic role in “Naked Gun.” No, ladies and gentleman, that role would have to be here, in “Project:…

The Jesus Trip (1971)

A mixed-gender group of shaggy but harmless bikers, who’ve apparently just rented or bought their hogs, are stopped by a Border Control agent (Billy Green Bush). They flee, fearing the bikes may be “hot.” Then they discover that the bikes…

Dr. Terror’s House of Horrors (1965)

“Dr. Terror’s House Of Horrors” of 1965 is a cheesy but highly entertaining horror anthology. This film is particularly interesting as it is the the first in a row of Horror anthologies from the Amicus company, which continued to produce…

Trying To Future Proof AMC

I was on the road all week doing college visits. Heading down the road while enjoying the fall foliage and at the same time anticipating the impending doom on my wallet. The air was crisp, the sky winked that winter…

Day of the Animals (1977)

This is a highly amusing 70s “when the Ozone Layer depletes and Animals Attack!” disaster flick that should appeal to anyone who likes these kinds of movies. It has a fun cast featuring the incomparable Ruth Roman, the slightly-daft-but-that’s-why-we-love-her Lynda…

The Manitou (1978)

How can I begin to describe this amazing film? Random images pop into my head from memory… Tony Curtis as a dashing fortune-teller and huckster, prancing around his San Francisco bachelor pad wearing a sorcerer’s outfit… one of his elderly…