B Movie Nation

Foundational Cinema

Year: 2019

The Human Tornado (1976)

As a lover of bad movies, I definitely hit paydirt with this one. The plot isn’t really that bad, but there are a few instances where you really have to ask yourself “what the heck is going on here?” There…

Truck Turner (1974)

Blaxploitation films are so frequently ridiculed and parodied (much of it with reason) these days, that it’s easy to forget that some of them were actually pretty good. Shaft (1971) paved the way for the sub-genre with its strutting bad-ass…

Self Defense (1983)

A gritty little early-80s exploitation film from Canada, Siege captures the look and feel of similar movies of the day (Assault on Precinct 13, The Warriors, Death Wish 3), but ultimately fails to capitalise on its interesting premise. The movie…

Dead of Night (1974)

So many horror films, both then and now, exist solely to provide cheap titillation to gore hounds and casual thrill-seekers. ‘Dead of Night’ (aka “Deathdream”), however, is serious business, and seriously scary. Comparable to ‘The Exorcist’ in its exploration of…

East End Hustle (1976)

This movie deserves way better than it has received critically – a fascinating example of indie-film collectivos venturing into the well-funded world of that era’s commercial Canadian cinema, and hitting the nail on the head. A grotty tale of sex…

The Neptune Factor (1973)

For a movie about a race against the clock to rescue a group of scientists trapped in an undersea research facility that’s been hit by an earthquake, The Neptune Factor is incredibly dull. The problem is that for most of…

Dr. Frankenstein on Campus (1970)

A largely forgotten little Canadian film, and definitely a product of its era, FLICK/DR. FRANKENSTEIN ON CAMPUS is a ‘turned-on’ sexploitation/horror/counterculture oddity which is often referred to as “one of the worst ever” by people who most likely haven’t seen…

Beyond the Seventh Door (1987)

Lazar Rockwood. An actor. A star. A sex object. A God? While he portrayed the somewhat clumsy, absent-minded, speech-slurring ex-con Boris in BEYOND THE 7TH DOOR, one has to wonder how and/or why his oh-so-obvious butchery of acting occurred? His…

Melinda (1972)

The idea of Metro Goldwyn Mayer dipping its toe into the blaxploitation genre may at first sound strange, but actually MGM did this several times, most notably with the “Shaft” films. But while the “Shaft” films are well know to…

Invisible Invaders (1959)

Spooky little horror film that had tentacles which reached far and wide. Many other filmmakers may have taken a dip in this cinematic pool. Don’t snicker. Checkout the walking stiffs in business suits staggering around the countryside. Remind you of…

Transformations (1988)

Transformations (1989) was one of those sleazy poverty row sci-fi flicks that came out during the mid to late 80’s. A stupid bohunk “looking for love in all the wrong places” picks up some space trash and gets more than…

Alien Outlaw (1985)

This sci-fi/comedy/western could’ve been a lot more entertaining with some expert editing, the performances by a cast of unknowns leave a lot to be desired also. Plot lines that lead no where, and a plodding story line make the 90…

Alien Agent (2007)

Defying the decree, a rebel faction on the alien home planet attempt to invade earth. They send in scouts (via some kind of heavenly projectiles) who have the ability to reanimate human bodies with their life force (once the human…

Xenophobia (2019)

You won’t find any CGI aliens in this film. Directed by 3 directors, with different stories that all come together to describe what the title really means, “The fear of aliens”. You will be entertained from the alien abductees as…

They Came from Beyond Space (1967)

This movie is passable at best. It has an interesting plot: some aliens are trying to find a way to survive by building a base on earth. They are seen as hostile because, for heaven’s sake they take over people’s…

B Movie News

Eternal Code – Review

Harley Wallen is constantly cranking out movies that he produces, writes, directs, and acts in amongst many other tasks he handles for his films.  One of his recent films Eternal Code is about a revolutionary invention with great implications Bridget…

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The Invisible Boy (1957)

As others have said, this movie is definitely weird. If you’re in the right mood, that’s great. Otherwise you might just find it ridiculous and unrealistic. Although I can’t deny that “Forbidden Planet” is a superior film when it comes…

The Hidden (1987)

‘The Hidden’ is one of those movies you might easily pass by on first glance, assuming it’s just your standard 1980s b-grade trash. The thing is it’s FANTASTIC 1980s b-grade trash! This is one of the most entertaining sci fi…

Alien Apocalypse (2005)

Alien Apocalypse,’ another in a long string of horrible made-for-cable movies for the US Sci-Fi Channel, is second only to ‘Space Mutiny’ as the worst science fiction movie ever made. The sets, costumes, makeup, dialogue, acting (God, the acting), and…

The Faculty (1998)

The Faculty is an amazing film. Well-directed by Robert Rodriguez, this film will keep the viewer riveted to the screen. With a good, edgy story line laced with humor and with solid performances given by the stellar cast, the film…